Wow! It's been a month, I tell ya! So many things have happened here. Not as many as I'd like due to illness... mine, the kids, the hubby's. A plague of gastrointestinal illness in a family of 8 can take a really long time to recover from! My blogging was postponed due to a total crash of my hard drive two weeks ago and having house guests. So, some interruptions were really bad, but some were really good, too.
I finished this:

These are blooming:

The daffodils, crocus, and maples have been in full swing, and now the forsythia is blooming and some pretty white flowered tree which I have not yet identified. My tulips were coming along nicely, but the neighbor's goat ate all the leaves of all the tulips he could find on the farm, including my 18.

I have planted the cold weather crops in our new third SFG bed... it's 4 x 16 so it can fit a lot of spinach, to say the least. I planted cabbage, peas (snap and snow), broccoli, spinach, green onions, and lettuce. I've also planted a strawberry bed and potato barrel and onion sets. Still, nothing is sprouting yet. But we've had some really lovely rain followed by a couple of warmish days that I know is working its magic on the seeds. They're under their nice, sweet covering of soil softening and sending tentative little pale yellow sprouts upward toward the warmth of the sun.
On the needles: blue socks, orange socks, and a baby set for a friend's new baby... I'm making a February baby set in grey and raspberry. I just love that sweater for baby girls... it's simple, beautiful, easy to knit, and easy to resize. I've decided that the reason I love Elizabeth Zimmerman so is that her patterns are often like that: simple, neat, and warm. She knitted for the same reason I do I think... to relax and to make things people will actually wear. I wish I'd begun a blanket long ago, because the baby would look soooo fetching in her little knitted outfit nestled in a raspberry blanket on Mama's knee. Will post pics of knitted projects another time.