Wednesday, December 8, 2010

New Things

Well, I've found the camera! Whoo hoo! Thought I'd add some photos of Christmas Decor... I've been on this "Less is more" thing lately, putting the breakables up high because of the little destroyer.  I found these teal and red balls at JoAnne's half off and thought that'd be perfect for my chandeliers... I like it, well, I like the little bird.  I also bought a Christmas papercrafting kit from K&G at JoAnne's and made some pretty little things from paper die-cuts, like the wreath on the mirror, below.

I thought last year, when I bought those candles on sale, I'd love them on the mantle.... but I'm ambivalent... I think I'd rather have a white illuminated paper village or something... white candles.  Something that does not include a fake greenery garland would be ideal.  The children wrapped the loooooong banister in red and green tinsel garland, which I hate, but they love!!!  And we bought a tree at a local farm, but have not bothered yet to put up lights... though we've made cookies and watched more than one Nutcracker performance!  Mostly I guess I want to feel the holiday magic again, the romance of twinkle lights, the flicker of fire.  I want read alouds and board games and lots of hot drinks.  I don't think the problem is really the decorations.  


  1. everything is really pretty and I totally get having to keep the breakables away from little hands (I have a 2 year old). We are neighbors by the way, well sort of:) I'm in Prince William County! Love the ornaments dangling from the chandelier

  2. I like it. Great idea putting the glass up high. I miss JoAnn's, used to go to the one in Denton Center all the time.

  3. what a great idea in the first photo. and I love the wreath. Elegant and simple, love it.
