Monday, May 18, 2009

A Bit to Mourn

I am Reading: A Book on Calculus... weird, huh!? Romans, Make, Grow, Gather
I am Thinking: About my girls that I lost. We're down to three hens now, and four in the brooder with the broilers. They were such good little hens, such good layers, such funny little barnyard companions. I'm mourning the chickens. I miss their eggs, too.

A lot.

I asked my landlord if he'd sell me some hens, but he said that I'd have to take a rooster, too. I just put professor in the freezer a few weeks ago, and I'm not ready to love/hate another Roo, yet. So, what to do? I suppose I'll just have to wait to see what happens.

I am Working on a couple pairs of socks, the ironing basket, the laundry, and the new schedule for summer.

I am Wearing denim capris, a white cotton cable sweater and my Green stripey Wellies... and wild frizzy hair pulled into a pony tail.

I am Teaching myself new routines for the day, the children to obey, and cheerfulness in adversity.

I am Cooking some roast chicken, with mashed potatos and corn for dinner... maybe some fresh bread, too.

I am Planning some housecleaning, some organizing, some gardening.

Outside my window, but not today:

It was beautiful around here in April... See that house at the end of the road? It's for rent, so perhaps we'll get to meet a new neighbor, soon. The forsythia makes me so happy in spring. It just slays me next to that black board fence. So gorgeous. Isn't the light beautiful?!

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